Train like an athlete, anytime, anywhere.

Welcome to your new way of training.

With our app, you have your very own PT in your pocket.

Programmes in our App

SnowFit Collection

RunFit Collection

BikeFit Collection

ReStart Collection

About An EveryDay Athlete

Forget how you’ve trained before and start training like an Athlete.

Our sports-specific and goal-specific programmes delivered through our App are like having a PT in your pocket!

Each workout has a video and detailed instructions for each exercise, full-body training for better performance, and in-gym or at-home options.

Starting with a 7-day free trial that you can cancel anytime, at just $10 per week you never need to train without a structured programme again.

““Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ”

— Maya Angelou